Sunday, August 14, 2005

WICKED made me cry dammit!

So while the show is still fresh in my mind. WICKED last night was more than great (with the possible exception of the Act 2 opening song but...). Terrific actresses for the leads, Carol Kane was in the cast, and oddly enought the guy that played Steve (Marcie's first husband on Married With Children) was the wizard. Who knew that the guy could sing and dance? And they got me. I tried not to. I mean it. I tried not to cry but I felt the tears welling up when they broke into Defying Gravity and when Elphaba (the wicked witch) took to the air .... well that's all she wrote for me. So I'm sentimental, sue me. It was just this great overwhelming sense of how wonderful it all was. Now, I'm not one to cry often. I think the last time I actually cried was when I was homeless and there's a long story that I'm not feeling comfortable going into. Hell, I don't think I even cried at my dad's funeral. Think that was more that I was in shock, don't know though.

I love theatre. There really is nothing like seeing people live and onstage performing. Realizing that it took them all that time for rehearsals, costume changes (and some were really fast!), the fact that they have to display all these emotions AND sing and dance if you're in a musical. It's just amazing. Lights and costumes...I tell ya. If you're up there on the stage performing, it's slightly different. You're constantly trying to count the dance steps, realizing that you have to dash off stage and change to come back as a different character, remembering what scene is coming up next. There's a lot more interesting stuff actually backstage that is going on sometimes than up there in front of the audience. I miss it. I feel that bad little acting bug biting at me but I know that my current job pays the bills and as it gets me up Monday through Friday at around is taking the back seat unfortunately.

So I threatened the audiobloggers that I would do this if my post didn't arrive here and guess hasn't. I'm a little pissed if you want to know the truth. Why offer this service if you aren't going to actually post the voice messages like you're supposed to? I just don't know. I had actually recorded one last week and that one still hasn't shown up here on my site. I mean honestly, WTF?! So, I guess it's just not meant to be? Maybe the service hates me. I tried to email them and got nothing but messages from my email that it couldn't be delivered. I do love blogging (why I don't really know but I'm meeting some really great folks). But all I wanted was to have one little post with my own voice up here....sigh.

The weekend is over. My next play is something called Shining City which I need to look up. Actually coming up rather fast. September 13 I am back up in SF to see this at the Curran theatre which is where I took my mom to see Phantom (which I cried at...oish hehe). It was massively cool to know that I could drive up in the city with all it's trafffic problems and hills and still survive because of the new car. Hell, I feel like driving down to Los Angeles just because I can now! I kinda miss being up in SF. There are a few places I go up there and it's been so damn long since I could get up there. Of course, now that summer is drawing to a close, NOW I can drive over the hill to Santa Cruz to the beaches, to the boardwalk, etc. Well, there is always next year unless I wind up becoming rich and famous. LOL! Boy howdy do I ever crack me up.

So I think that I'm going to start working on my plays again in my spare time. There are a few that needed some work and fleshing out. I think it would be a big kick to see something I wrote actually produced and performed. Of course, I have other ideas too that I think I'll slowly work on, but just maybe I'll be lucky and have a little success. It would be nice to be able to tell my nieces and my nephew (if I ever see them) that their Uncle has had a couple of plays produced. We'll see though. In the meantime, I think I am going to play a little some pizza, and relax my way into tomorrow. (oo ack...gotta sell the Annie tickets cause I really don't wanna go to that show!) So, I'll leave ya with something I did the other night with me camera. I think it turned out rather interesting.


Unknown said...

Glad you had fun at wicked! I didn't read your post though because I'm DYING to see it, and don't want any parts to be spoiled ;)
Anyway, I've added a link to your site and look forward to reading in the future :)

Michael The Shadow said...

Hey!:) Welcome back to the states hehe. Don't think I put any spoilers up about the show but...if you get a chance you'll love it! Dying to hear bout England on yours!

Michael The Shadow said...

Well my li'l I can drive over there lickity split ;)