Wednesday, November 08, 2006

He surfaces, then dives back again

Yes....It's been a while....again. I don't really have anything to post about. It's been a bit odd for me lately and, well .... I haven't felt like posting. Sometimes real life takes over and you have to deal with that ya know?

So you want to know what's been on my mind? K, here goes. Work and how I realized today that I'm not happy there really. I need a new job, but I don't know what to look for. Remember, yours truly spent 10 years of his life building sets and creating sound designs for a small community theatre. Before that it was all sorts of odd things, but mostly retail work. In the long run, I'm really not qualified for much hehe. Being good with people is one thing, but that only really gets you so far eh? Still, somethin's gotta give because I'm realizing more and more that I want to be able to financially do things I just can't right now. (like find a bigger place to live!)

What else is going on? Sadly nothing. Since going to Disneyland I've been kinda stuck in a rut and feeling broke. You ever notice that when you have not much in terms of money you get a little restless? Well that's me. Trying not to worry about money and wondering how to get more money and then of course....where do we go from here?

So, yeah, I haven't written about New York. I haven't really even written about anything lately but I just have been trying to deal with life and it's not been necessarily on my terms anymore. I have no clue where I'm really going. I know that I have a pretty good job and it keeps me in my studio here and pays for me to eat, and sometimes go out....but it's just not enough to scrape by anymore is what I'm finding.

Yeah I know, I know...pity me. Boo Hoo and all that rot. Well I'm not lookin for pitty, just puttin out what it is. Course, the knowledge that I have some friends that I wouldn't trade an entire Sultan's fortune for....yeah :) Makes life a little easier.

It's wierd that my friends, especially two or three people, can be your entire world. I honestly think that I'd be lost without them and I know I'm not lying about that. It's almost as if they're a part of my soul. No....strike that....they ARE part of my soul. And whether or not they read this, I think they know that I love them more than words can say. And who are they? Well....sorry folks but that's just not something I care to divulge. Surfice to say that they know about my site here and I'm not sure if they reading it or not, but to them, I have to say you are in a part of my heart and soul that no one else can ever reach.

And just struck me that I've been doing this for over a year now. THAT is kinda scary.

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD! Be Loved!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

sounds like 2 me bro u need 2 get u some! haha! sendin u a hug love ya!