Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Costa Rica was pretty amazing...of course I feel like I didn't sleep at all in the last 48 hours since I got back, but hey, how often do you get to have your boss send you to pick friggin coffee on a mountainside?

The people there were amazingly friendly, kinda, polite, nice, and all the other adjectives I can't think of. I was blow away by it. Genuinely nice people were all I seemed to meet except for one guy on the street of San Jose that hassled us for money. There are too many pictures to post.

And otherwise, the world seems to have turned, life has gone on and I have a slightly different outlook on things. I'm hoping that it all continues. Need to push myself again but maybe after tomorrow when I feel more back to the swing of things.

Life can kick ya in the head a couple of times, but sometimes that's a good thing too. Makes you start to think more, realize things that you may not have before, ponder knew questions and new options. Hard for me because I get trapped in routine a lot. Focus too hard on one or two things and forget the other stuff.

What I do know is this, I may be a fool and a hopeless (or hopefull) romantic, but I still hold fast to the concept that love with see you through anything. Sometimes it's hard to remember that. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it will, but it's one of the few things I truly have faith in. Without it, I think I'd fall to complete pieces and would shatter into all the millions of molecules of the universe.

And here's the wackiest part of it all, no matter how bad things seem to get...I realized a long time ago that love is the only truth out there, and as long as you have it...well things seem to turn out ok. Just realized that this afternoon actually. The people that you honestly love and who have that place no one else can take from you heart? They're always there. That's something I have to remember. It was kinda proved to me with a friend of mine and how things worked out between us over almost a decade of friendship now.

So fill up your hearts! Tell your friends how much you love them because ya know what? People need to hear that. Honestly, people need to hear that they are loved, and you'd be surprised at what that one simple act can do for someone.

My list is rather long for folks to say I love you to, and I would feel bad if I left anyone out but I do just want to say that I love you Jon, Mikey, Ryan, Rey, Albert, Scott, Jim, Alden, Camilla, M'lady, Ari, Marko and all my friends. My arms are always open for ya. And if you're name wasn't there it doesn't mean my arms are closed off to you. I hope that I have arms big enough to embrace the world. So go out there and embrace it yourselves!

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD! Be Loved!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Peter, Paul, and Me

A quick update to all that read this little site. I'm actually going to be gone (unlike the non-existant postings) for a week to the sunny shores of Costa Rica to see how coffee is grown and cultivate, picked and processed before it hit the shop I work for as 50lb bags of green coffee beans.

While I haven't been posting much, the cobwebs are slowly dissipating, new and grander visions of the future are brewing, and life is happening (although sometimes I don't feel like it is).

Doug said in a comment about my last post " Hopeless romantic fool. I love it." Well he's right, as most of you that read here know. I am a hopeless romantic. I do honestly believe that love is a conquering force in this Universe. Thank you to everyone that takes the time to comment here. I may not return them all the time, but they are appreciated and make me smile.

I wrote a little something while waiting for my passport to be processed the other day and I thought I'd post it here. Just a little observational poem while having a smoke, sitting by a statue on the streets of San Francisco. He was a little black bird that called out once as he shot through the intersection through the crossing crowd that day. Funny what will inspire us no?

Brazen! Reckless, incredulous
you dart in front of casual glancers, passers by, streaming metal giants.
A single sound issued forth.
A call? An Alarm? An announcement?

The world seems to care naught for you.

Do you care of the world?
And only perhaps one sees you,

watching as you streak to destinations unknown.
Like through liquid you sail past, gone to whither your whim.
And I alone watch you depart through the ethers ushered by a single call.

I've decided to leave with images lately. Pictures to remind me, and you, that there is love and good stuff out there....now let's go get it!!!

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD! BE LOVED!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dig this....Think Love!

What's on my mind? Love. What else?

I'm not exactly back to writing here yet. Not until I get the cobwebs under control and sort through the boxes that I have left for far too long in the back recesses. May take a while, but it's got to be done. For now though, I simply wanted to send out some love into the universe. I just think that we all could use a little more of it right now. And honestly, what's better than seeing two guys kissing when it looks like they really mean it?

So dig it! THINK LOVE! (hm...maybe I need to put that on a T-shirt)

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD! Be LOVED!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Sing out for the New Year, the old year goes out, the new year comes in, and we're still together singing...laughing....and trying to love each other.

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD! Be Loved!