Thursday, November 16, 2006


He makes me smile. He makes me laugh. And someone had said "does love act like that?", and I say that love is different for everyone. You're relationship is different from mine. Don't deny that. We'll never have it the same way. And then someone else offered the words of wisdom..."Sod the world" and I know that she's right. And i can't begin to tell her how much I appreciate that little pearl.

Work is work. Day to day life is what it is, but at night, things all change and I get to talk with him. The world does go away for a while. It's just us and the phone but we're there together somewhere. Is the astral plane really just in my mind, or can we reach it together somehow? From my personal spiritual experience, I know it's a valid question.

So what do I tell people now? What do I tell mom, my brothers? My fam is always going to know these things one way or another, but I feel like jumping with joy and screaming it to them. I want them to all be ok with whatever may come.

Why is it that months ago I was so scared of this? And now it's all I think I want. Silly man me. Silly stupid man who's happy and content but still fears that it will all have been a dream. Then again, I am Morphius therefore I control dream. This one is staying!

And no more losing my religion. No more forgetting the other people in my life. More than one of them has already been there, and I know that they all are when I need them. I just need to remember that and learn to make them know it.

He's all I think about sometimes, and then the world intrudes and work happens and I get home, and I think about him again. God life is pretty fuckin good sometimes.

Be safe. Be well. BE PROUD! Be Loved!

1 comment:

Steve said...

I must admit that I've been a little out of touch of late, but this is really great news to hear. Do I need to go back and read some of the posts I've missed, or will more details be forthcoming?