Providence. Noun. 1a often capitalized : divine guidance or care
b capitalized : God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding human destiny
It rains. It pours and yet I'm still protected. Providence intervenes for me. So many things that seemed to be going out right wrong lately. I hermitized them all inside myself, not willing mostly to open up about it all.
The day should have been a good one. Breakfast after a nice long leasurely shower...playing around later on my Itunes to make my mix for the Pod to get me through the day. Breakfast is always at my favourite little place near home. They know me well enough that I don't have to order. It's comforting. I chat with the wait staff. It's like a little slice of home coming every weekend....until you realize you locked your keys in your car. Still it was like a little home because of the care and genuine worry from T as she asked what was wrong.
$50 dollars and half an hour in the wind whipping up from the incoming storm later, I am in my car and driving home. I'm pissed. I'm pretty much broke by this stupidity. My secondary set of keys to the studio and the extra car key (which I found thank the Goddess) were sitting here on my desk. But....again, providence intervened. Having been the foolish soul that believes in saving his change in a large bag, I found (thanks to coin machine) I had saved $58 dollars. The car was paid for and I am back in the slightly blackish section of finances for the moment.
The Divine does take care of us. When things go wrong, there's usually something good coming soon after I'm learning slowly. Love for instance. Love never goes away. Never forsakes you. Is a constant if it is true. For that I am eternally greatful. I would be lost if not for love. Now, looking at things through slightly fresher eyes, I realize that my love is just as strong as ever, and that all my fears were for nothing.
Things may change. That's the nature of life. Things have a way to doing and undoing themselves around us like a beautiful cord. But the cord is always there, simply slightly a different configuration from what it had been.
Am I still happy? Yeah. The stress and repulsion of my day in day out working situation still bothers me, but I'm happy. I have people that love and care for me. Money will come and go, but love is constant and does conquer all. Don't for one moment ever doubt that. Don't forget that. And don't forget that Divine Providence is out there reguardless of what others may think. The Goddess provides for me. She listens and gives me what I need, maybe not always how I expect it, but I know in my heart that She is there watching out for me.
There are people that I feel I need to say something to right now and that is;
I love you Ryan. You remain my little brother always. Remember one thing, your brother is always here when you need me, good or bad times. And Mikey, I hope that you know that should you need me, I'll be there for you as well.
I love you Jon. I will always love you and will be here. You bring so much happiness to me. Words can't begin to say thank you enough.
My friend Jim, you remain a wonderous man and one that I am very pleased to have in my life. You're friendship means more than I can say.
Thank you Rey for all that you've done for me, for all the friendship that you show, and the insight that you give.
Brad, you amaze me at times. I'm very glad that we've met and I hope that I can eventually get out to see you and Justin. I'll bring the cold lemonaide for the porch.
And to all my other friends, just know how appreciated you truly are. I haven't said that enough lately, and I'm sorry. If I don't seem to tell you all enough, you are all wonderous people who have enriched my life, and are greatly appreciated.
Be safe. Be well. BE PROUD! Be Loved!