Saturday, December 02, 2006

Late night Friday/Saturday morning

My boyfriend Jon reminds me, daily, of what a person should be. How? Because he's the one that reminded me that we should be more accepting of everyone as they are. Here's one of the most beautiful people (inside and out) that you'd ever meet, and he's smarter than I am half the time. Thank you babe for showing me how to "roar" at night and vent what needs to be.

People can do stupid shit. They tend to get under my skin and work their ways into my brain and make me crazy. No, literally I feel that I got crazy and the worst things come to my brain at a million miles. It's like particals travelling at light speed and they won't be able to be stopped to be examined. This causes me to open my mouth and vomit out things that sometimes even I didn't know I was going to say.

But I have my baby. I have this beautiful man to constantly remind me that there are people who make me sane, keep me sane, and accept things for what they are. Hell, it's been a long journey for me from friends to being in love. An amazing journey that I'm still taking and never want to get off this wierd ride. As long as Jon is there, what do I care what people do or say or think?

My friends will always be there and that I know. The people in my life that love and accept me unconditionally will always be there, and for that I'm greatful. My fam will always be the Endless through out eternity and there for me whether I know it or not (yes I know this by strange means otherwise known to me as The Universe)
....but I was blessed to have this amazing man to love, who loves me and seems to help me grow. And I will walk through fires with him and for him. Can i just say unequivically....Jon, you make my world so much brighter, and thank you for all that you are, all that you do for me, and for being my man. You are my heart.

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD! Be LOVED!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Sweet post, Michael. Ain't it grand?