Tuesday, December 05, 2006


It's cold in here. It's been that way for a while and I can't seem to warm it up. What do you do when the outside invades? Can you shut it all out eventually? Can you muddle through? Can you see the stars through the clouds. Just to know that they're there. That it's real.

I lived in dreams a lot. Live in my head a lot. Forget that sometimes things aren't like that dream. Can I make it so? Is it all fantasy, or is it realizations? Do dreams ever actually end? I hate the idea of what if. I hate the idea of what if realities.

Right now, I need my boyfriend more than ever. I just want him here with me. Just to snuggle up next to, or watch him sleep, or just to have someone to say hello to when I come home. I wonder if that's really too much to ask of the Universe?

Hey, go and check out Inside Stephen . His post of a bit o' poetry was just....well it was about me, but about him, but about me. Maybe that's why I love poetry. It reaches inside of you, grabs ahold of something, and you feel connection.


Ryan said...

i need my bf 2 bro! kisses

Mo and The Purries said...

Hi there, Michael!
Thanks for your visit to It’s A Blog Eat Blog World
I'm going to add you to my Hot Blogs sidebar linkies, if that's ok!
Hope to see you back on a regular basis!

The Persian said...

Hey Michael my friend, I need you to call me. I am really kind of sad we never speak anymore and reading between the lines here is not really helping me understand what's up with your life!!

BTW-- We were on the same podcast last night, only not at the same time :(

(oh and I tagged you for a MEME)

StePHen said...

i was reading your thoughts on dreams and missing your bf and felt entranced and then was shocked to see you mention me. had to say somethin... i love that it connected us. the beauty of words :)