Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday....or so it seems

Ah my childrens....what an nice weekend and the week didn't start off too badly either. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night but still woke up on time. Oddly enough, I didn't hear the alarm, and I hadn't turned on my radio which I always do. Still, I'm not gonna jinx myself by thinkin bout tomorrow. After all, tonight is Beltane!

So Saturday night I got to go and see the new Martin Short play Fame Becomes Me. I swear if I hadn't hit the bathroom before the show started I would have peed myself laughing. I have been a big fan of Mr. Short since his days on SCTV in Canada, long before he hit SNL's cast. He was just amazing, and even did a bit as Jimny Glick (with makeup of course) for the second act that had everyone rolling. I so want to go back and see it again ain't gonna let that happen. Still, it was a great night and me and D have started working on a project I think. Just some silly stuff we had been discussing over dinner which looks like it may just fly yet!

Sunday was a bit of a blur and I didn't really do much but I got to chat with me buddy Persian Guy for a while. Funny how talking to someone on the phone makes ya feel like their just next door. Wish that he and I lived closer to one another because I know that we'd get a long well and have a good time. Sides, he's got a great smile even if he doesn't think so heh ;)

And here we are at Monday. So what am I thankful for today? Well, for once I'm not really sure. I guess I'm pretty damn thankful for having D as my friend. He's been inspiration over the years for me to get off my ass and do things. He always fuels my imagination and creative juices (ok...well maybe some of the other juices as well but he's gonna be a poppa soon so...that ain't gonna happen!). I'm eternally greatful and thankful that through all the messed up stuff we've gone through, he's still my friend and I know he cares about me a lot.

What else am I thankful for? Definately having that artistic side of me that loves creating. Having an imagination that flies further than I can even think sometimes. The sense to dream up choreography for a song even though I have no idea what the dance terms are, but I can see it all in my head (now I just have to get it down on paper and explain it to some dancers), or create characters that take on a life of their own from out of the blue. (I know that everyone has an imagination but I sometimes think that people don't take it out and play with it as much as they should) So yes, even though I'm not doing plays right now, or acting, or painting, or writing as much as I should...I still have that life to lead somewhere, somehow artistically.

So I have a couple of things to talk about for later posts but I want to put them up here so I don't forget them. Ever considered the body average? How about Straight men/Gay men relationships. (been thinking about that one ever since I found out K was married but I still have folks that believe he's not straight) There's a few more and I still owe me buddy Rey that five album thingy that I haven't ever gotten around to finishing. (my appologies)


Rey Rey said...

You do indeed owe me that Five Albums thing... So get cranking, yo!

Great catching up last night... Drama drama drama, huh? LOL...


The Persian said...

It is always great chatting with you buddy, I wish we lived closer too, I think we might just be inseperable. :)