Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Oi....what a silly bunt I am

Oo ack, oh crumbs. A quote from one of my fave cartoon characters Pinfold from Danger Mouse. Of course, this kinda dates me but it's a great toon.

So.....who's a depressive git lately? Me, well that is if you read the last couple of entries. Why? Don't know. My birthday always seems to freak me out a bit. Not sure if that's how it is with you but, that's me. I mean, I do get excited and imagine everyone calling and sending cards, etc. (presents are nice too but I don't really expect them anymore to some degree..but I do hope for them hehe) Then when the big day comes, it's usually gone from a huge fire to a fizzle, and again, I've done it to myself. (hm....not that way you nasty people you! Shame on you for having a dirty mind hehe)

So, yeah, I get wierd around the birthday time but everything is pretty much copasetic here. I saw Xmen III twice this past weekend. *I* liked it. I know that some folks haven't's the Xmen and for that I'm happy. And it was nice to have three days off rather than just the weekend but's made me a bit off. I tend to keep to a wierd schedual and always know what needs to be happening on any given day. The weekends are really about having Saturday to do nothing or anything I want. Sunday comes along and I start thinking about what I have to do for work the next day so when Monday came and I didn't have to work...much wierdness insued. Just having a hard time re-adjusting to the work week now and damn but we've been busy the last two days.

I do wanna say thanks for all the kind words in the comments. Ya know I don't really reply to them all, but I do appreciate them all. And yeah, they help sometimes. Maybe part of it is knowing I'm not alone in my boat, or we're not alone in our boat, or our boats that happen to be pretty damn similar.

One last thing before I head for the land of nod here. A couple of my friends out there have been having a tough time of things what with one thing and another. So, being Jewish Mother Supreme I hearby make this decree (ahem);

Nothing bad, and no more ill will be happening to Ryan, Jim, Rey, Doghigh, Alden, or Phoenixboi! That's it, you've used up the quotient of bad stuff for the next 8 months! No more freaky stuff, no more bad stuff. Got it? You're Jewish Mother has spoken! (And the universe had better have heard me on this one damnit!) Matter of fact, this goes for the whole lot of you that come here and read this. Don't mess with the Jewish Mama! Now come inside and get some cookies :)

Oy but it's late for me and I need to get to bed. Two more days of work this week, or really one if you count them the way I do since tomorrow is drawing near. But hey, payday and the weekend coming up again and so soon! Ah...sleep :)

Be safe. Be happy. Be loved!


Anonymous said...

goodnight, sleep well, see you soon.

Steve said...

Ohhh, BIRTHDAY! When is it, anyway? Now, go try and rest up for the weekend.

Brad said...

Hope everything improves in your world, Michael.

Kalv1n said...

I always deliberately try and expect absolutely nothing for my birthday because I don't want to be disappointed. But that entails not telling anyone about it, and then most people forget. Sigh. Hopefully it will go well. And I think about days usually one day in advance too. Maybe that's why I like Friday better than Sunday.

Rey Rey said...

I'm hoping that no more bad stuff happens... Thanks again for listening to me whine whine whine last night... That meant a lot.


Ryan said...

thanx 4 thinking about me big bro. hope your weekends going good.

Miladysa said...

Birthday? Have I missed it?