Monday, February 27, 2006

BonTemps Roulle! And how gay is that? ;)

Oh darlins....ya know there is one thing I miss right now and that is being in New Orleans for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Mardi Gras Day! I ordered a King Cake from a company in New Orleans (hell I wanna do my part to support their business) and it showed up today at work. Ya can't believe how happy that makes me!

See, I was in New Orleans (I think it was 2001) for the Mardi Gras season and let me tell ya it's a hoot! You'd think that seeing parades everyday would be dull right? Oh Hells no! It's different groups parading, different floats and they all toss out them beads (and I didn't have to show my tits for it either!). It's not just beads either, there's cups, stuffed animals, all sorts of stuff you can catch at a parade. And it all gears up to tomorrow. Now if ya haven't seen one of these ever, here's a link with a live came (hopefully working) Mardi Gras Cams . So, tomorrow I have King Cake, I'm gonna be wearing my beads (and fuck anyone that calls me a fag over it!), and listening to Canjun music, Zydaco, and New Orleans Jazz!

I do wann say thanks to everyone that commented yesterday on my post. It was just an odd thought that had gone through my head but I constantly ask myself things like "So what makes me gay?" "Do I do gay things?" "What makes some things gay and other not?". Yeah, I tend to think a lot lately but that comes with the territory I think. (hm...repetive usage of the word "think") I guess I do try and learn from my past. I look at the bad stuff mostly because it makes me find ways to try harder. I mean, I look at how I was treated and try and treat people better than that, or try and be a better friend, try and be more get the point. I can't say I succeed all the time though, but I'm getting better.

So, what really does make somthing "gay"? I like to garden. That I was told isn't something that straight guys really do. (granted the opinion of the person that said that has changed I think) What made it intrinsicly gay though? Ya know I even banter that word around too much. It usually doesn't rile me up to hear someone say, "that's so gay" or somethink to that point...but the usages should bother me. I simply means that something is really lame. Well, I know a lot of gay folk that aren't in the least lame. Take Sir Ian McKellen for one. He's one of my favourit actors...worked with the Royal Shakespeare Company...played Magento (ok I'm dorking on that one). Is he lame? Hell no. Is he gay? Hells yeah. He even brought a really hot guy to the oscars a few years back when he was nominated for something.

So, is it that stuff that women would do? Is it the cooking, and the gardening, and the designing your own clothes type stuff? Now I doubt anyone would say that changing your flat tire was "gay" but I had a friend's lesbian lover pretty much shove me out of the way to change her own tire on truck no less. Is that gay? hehe...a little frightening as how vehament she was but no...not gay in the least. So help me out here folks. I'd love to see if collectively we can come up with a list of 5 things...just 5 that are intrinsically gay. Ya can't you giving a guy a hummer, cause women do that to, and the same on the opposite end for lesbians cause I know a lot of guys that do that. There has to be something that is actually "Gay". (and remember that not every drag queen is actually a gay man!)

There's yer homework. I'm off to sing show tunes and watch Rent for the 40 millionth time just so I can see my ex-hubby. Well hell, I did get an offer from a cute Persian guy after all :D


Daisy said...

You are so adorable...I have not got to read your post from yesterday in its entirety, but that is next on my list.
I cannot answer your questions, because I simply do not know. Spencer is the only gay person that I have ever spent a lot of time with, meaning on a daily basis (and we were kids when that happened)..but even knowing him now, there is nothing that significantly stands out as being "gay".
I never got to experience Mardi Gras....and I always wanted to! How cool that you sister was actually there last year and she had a ball too! Thinking of which..wonder why she didn't take me??? lol
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and send you big hugs.

Miladysa said...

Oh heck! No idea! Both my eldest son and son-in-law are landscape gardeners, it has never occured to me that gardening might be perceived as gay - certainly not in these parts anyway :)

I would love to visit the Garden District of New Orleans after reading the novels of Anne Rice!

The Persian said...

Thanks for the Cam links to Mardi Gras, that is too cool!! I'm at a loss for something that is exclusively gay. So when are we gonna set the date :)

Ryan said...

hey bro what a week huh? we will talk soon got lots going on and i need a luagh. sending love!

Miladysa said...

If you and PG get married can I be a bridesmaid?

Naked Boy said...

Happy Mardi Gras girl!

Anonymous said...

I sometimes ask myself if I act gay in some way or do gay things but I dont think I do. I wonder how people look at me also like do they think Im gay.