Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hollandish days

I know that on the East Coast, things are probably still rather cold and miserable. It's been wet and rainy out here lately but today, it's a gorgeous day probably around 70 outside and sun sun sun. This is not to rub it in, just an explaination of what I'm about to post.

Now, I like to garden. I like flowers because they give me something to take care of (other than myself which I am still hoping someone else might want to tend and care for heh), and they take patience as well. I planted a rose bush and everyday I look at her and hope that I'll see a little rose bud starting. Alas, not yet, but she is growing I can tell. There's Heliotrope that I'm still tending to trying to get it really take off, Fuscias that have started slightly in the blooming department, Alyssum that is absolutely going crazy right now....and then there's the bulbs..

Maybe back in November I planted a lot of bulbs in a wooden tub that I have. All sort of colors should be popping up within the next month or two for me. Daffodils which will look all buttery yellow, should crop up soon. I've seen their foliage so, it can't be that far off. The one's I am always most excited by though are my tulips (no rude jokes you naughty wicked campers you). There's just something about them that I really like. Deep intense colors and even though they offer up no perfumed aroma, they just amaze me and dazzle me. So, without further ado, I give you the first flowers of this season for me

How could you ever be upset when you come home from a potentially long day at work and see these staring up at you? Well that's why I'm posting them. I can't send them to you all, but at least you get a little bit of them this way. Hopefully you like em.

I'm still working on my idea for a message in a bottle. The more I think about it the more I really like it. Sending out a message to the world (which will be about peace), and hoping that some random person in some other area of the world finds it. Now my dream about this would be that they would take up the mantle and throw a message in a bottle out into the ocean, and little by little, we'd all somehow be brought together all over the world. Sure, it sounds like a pipe dream and my little bottled up message could very well just sink into the ocean, or wash up on the shores of California again and be tossed out with the trash, but I gotta try it. I have to do something because I honestly think that a random act of peace can start something ya know? I haven't worked out the particulars because I still need to see if I can find something to tell me when the tide would be going out, but I'm sure a little googling around will surfice for that.

I guess my major reason for trying this is that, well I want to do something for this world and for the idea that people all over the world are simply people. I can't say that I don't have prejudice. I have my issues with some folks but I'm not a racist. I'm still struggling to be a better person that I have been in the past, but ya know there are just some folks that set ya off not matter how hard ya try. BUT, the concept of peace and spreading that around globally...may sound corny and very 60's hippy of me, but I do believe in it. Hell, if I knew how to get to speak to the U.N., well I have a few things to say to the leaders of the world about peace ya know? Just wish that everyone could see everyone else as simply another human, or person. It's hard for me to do as well but I'm going to keep trying. Everything starts at some random point, be it the "big bang", or someone just saying, "I've had enough and things must change". So, I guess this is really an old issue, but one that needs to be rekindled over and over again until everyone has heard the message.

So....I'm going to send a message, hopefully touch someone somewhere else in the world, and hopefully it will keep growing just like my garden. That way, you'll be able to open your door every morning and smile at what you see. Least, that's still my dream and my hope.


Steve said...

I've been trying to not rub in the fact that the weather here has been outstanding. X-cellent photos, Michael, and I hope you have an outstanding weekend.

Daisy said...

Thank you for sharing your flowers...absolutely gorgeous. I, too, love to garden. My favs are, of course, daisies...but I LOVE alyssum...the smell is wonderful.
I like your idea of the message in a bottle. Spencer and I, his brother, sister and our cousin did it one time when we were kids....threw them off the bridge into the Ohio river. If memory serves, our cousin got a return reply. Wonder if he remember that? I am gonna have to ask him...conjured up some old memories.
Wish we were having nice weather....was pretty and sunny today but the lower 30's.brrrrrr...i can't handle it :)
Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

beautiful flowers thanx for sharing.