Monday, March 27, 2006


A quick listing of the things that went through my mind today....

What tha...?
Who the hell does she think that....oh never mind.
Why am I doing this?
Isn't it almost over?
How come ...oh never mind.

So that was sort of my day, and the better part of my work day seeing as I started out of bed 15 minutes too late. I hate, I mean HATE having my routine disrupted like that. Throws me off schedual and while I may be a slob here at home, and tend to forget to pay bills on time, don't throw me off my morning schedual.

So, now my brain hurts, and I'm frightened to see what tomorrow brings only because today was relatively quiet at work. You ever notice (those that work in retail) that if you have a good Monday, you're Tuesday sometimes is what your Monday should have been? Granted, I know I have a fair amount of manager stuff to do tomorrow that I'm not looking forward to particularly. And more and more I just sort of don't want to be there, but once I get into the groove and things are going all fast and furious I tend to forget because I simply have to keep up.

Dear Goddess, please please PLEASE won't you just help me find the job I'm supposed to be at that makes me happy and satisfies my wallet and allows me to have those two week vacations I always hear about? Oh...and the occaissional sick day. Hm....actually, how about we just skip all this and gimme the winning Lottery numbers for a massive big win hehe

Well a boy can dream can't he?


Steve said...

I find Monday & Tuesday's are actually pretty cool to me, but I'd also opt for that lottery thing. Hope you have a good week!

The Persian said...

I really long for that job you talk about as well. I'm stiffled here ehk!! Oh and Powerball is up pretty high this week (the only time I play usually) maybe I'll just have to pick up a couple.


Anonymous said...

I feel ya on the lottery. Ours is getting up to a big amount. Im gonna start playing.