Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Beauty of Grey

I was watching the clouds from my windshield this evening. Sitting at a traffic light, waiting for it to turn green and listening to Polyphonic Spree when I looked up. It's been a while since I did that, just looked up at the sky, seeing the amazing sites.

A monochromatic splay of colors from a pure white against the blue sky that peeked out, to a darkened grey, whisped by lighter greys as shafts of sun tried to break through. Silvers, greys, blues, whites..and all of it up there just for the looking. It's a wonder that people don't look up more when there's so much to see up there. Certainly there are shapes in the clouds, forms and faces, but the amazing way that colors appear in, and around, and sometimes through the clouds. It's pretty amazing. There was no sunset, just light playing in and around the clouds and for this little bit of time, during a break in our wet weather, I thought to myself, "wow" and smiled a little bit.

Nothing earthshattering happened today. There was no K wandering through the door. There was the panic of waking up and seeing it was 6am and knowing I had to have the shop open by 6:30. I tore up there, forgot everything else that I would normally do and busted my ass to have the coffee ready in time. Yes, I did open on time, albeit still trying to get the shop "together" and putting pasteries away but by gum, I will NOT open late! (even if I have to get out of my deathbed to make sure it's open on time) So, needless to say it was rather hectic for a while, but then it mellowed out.

I spent the afternoon with J as he ran a couple of errands. Didn't get a chance to lay down this afternoon as I usually do so, I think it's going to be an early bed for me tonight. Still, it was nice to be out and about with me friend.

There's a guy that's on my blog roll and I am sure that some of you read his site. Secret Simon is this really sweet and amazing guy. Well, he's shut the site down with no warning so, if anyone knows how to get ahold of him, or knows what's going on for him...please send me a message ok? I'm the Jewish Mother don't forget, and we worry a lot. Just came too out of the blue for me not to be a bit concerned about him.

It's already almost the end of the week, and I must admit that I am very glad for that. I have no plans for the weekend, but things have a way of cropping up lately. It appears that in October I'll be going with my friend Rika to Yaoi-Con. I have a hard time explaining it so here's a link to Yaoi-Con 06 which hopefully will explain it better. Kinda funny because I love the manga (comics) and this will be my first Yaoi-Con where I'm told a lot of girls are running around while their boyfriends sit in another section of the convention center playing video games (silly straight stories about two guys falling for each other a fun!).

Which brings to mind the whole Brokeback Mountain aspect of things lately. Is anyone else sick of this movie yet? I mean, I know this is unpopular of me but I'm really kinda WAY over it. I've seen the film and I guess I need to try watching it again but...ok, I was bored. I'll say it, I'm a bad fag but I didn't really like Brokeback Mountain. It got so way hyped that there was nowhere to turn without hearing about the damn thing (like Forrest Gump which it took me 2 years after the film was released to finally see). Anyways....just curious if I was the only one. Rotton tomatos and eggs will be deflected by my superhero powers though ;)

Ok...I'm runnin out of steam here. Time to pop in a movie and chill a bit and then hit the sack. Maybe I'll have something more exciting to talk about tomorrow? Who knows. I mean I am planning on rewatching the film Pi . So, unless my head explodes from the movie, I'm probably gonna be back tomorrow with more ... well, stuff I guess :)

Be safe. Be well. Be loved!


Brad said...

I hated BBM. Before too long, I'll make a post at my blog about WHY.

Doesn't make you a bad fag at all.

Michael The Shadow said...

Hehe...thanks Brad. For some reason I can't currently comment on your site. :( Nice to meetya though :)

Anonymous said...

Girl!, we needs to talk about Brokeback! I agree it may be getting a lot of hype and that can get really old... mostly it's just obnoxious because mainstream society is losing their heads about the "extreme homosexual content" -- like they aint never heard of two boys boinkin'!! Anyway, it is a beautiful film and you just missed out on the experience of seeing it will all yer homo pals (and don't forget resident fag hag too) and sobbing your eyes out onto each other's gay shoulders. I've already seen it twice though, don't know if I can put myself through it again...

As much as I loved Brokeback, I think Crash was a much better film in so many ways. So it was certainly MY pick for best picture of the year... best I've seen in a long time actually.

Steve said...

Speaking of bad fags, I haven't seen it. (Shhh. Don't tell anyone.)

The Persian said...

Michael that's funny you should mention Brokeback, I just saw it last night and put up a brief review kinda. I was disappointed in many ways also.

Like Brad said it does not a bad fag make.


Ryan said...

i loved it and gonna have my own version this weekend. yeah u better not call big bro ill b busy:)

Brad said...

Comments seem to be working fine at my site now. Must have been a little blogger bug.

To tell you the truth, I've been to your site before. It's just been a long time. On this last occasion, I don't remember how the hell I got here. I think it was where you left a comment at another site.

But hell, that could be a beer induced memory.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, anyway!