Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Grrr....it's hard to remember Buddha nature

Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry cause this is going to be partially a venting because of one of my customers today. Yup...someone finally pissed me off royal. I thought (of course hours later) about how to respond to this dick but...alas....as always, it's too late so let's get this party started right?

Ok, so this the amazing shirt that my sis Chryssa and brother Dave made for me. I mean, come one, you think I wouldn't wear it? It's great! The message is apparently text I wrote on my blog (and now I have to go and do a search for it heh). But...I was wearing this today and getting either good humored chuckles at it, or folks telling me how sweet it was (and yes I told them how I got the shirt). So this is the set up for the ending of my shift at work after having been so proud of wearing this:

Ok, so pretty innocuous right? (did I spell that right? hmm) So I had put a button up over it because it's rainy here and I was a little cold but I didn't button the shirt and one of my customers says, "There's a lot of words on there. What's it say?" I proudly display the shirt and say it was a gift. Their responce? "You could have cut out all the other stuff and just left the first line.", which I took to mean "That's so gay." which was not meant in a good way.

Now, does anyone else find this a slap in the face? Anyone else see why I have righteous anger at this man, this little piece of nothing that stood before me? Anyone else think that it was pretty fuckin rude and that in essence he was calling me a fag without saying it? Well I did because I know the prick. I don't have to take that kinda shit in my workplace from anyone be they customers or employees. And don't get me wrong. I have friends that call me fag, or gay boy, or faggot, or homo all the time. Do I get upset? Hells no because I know they don't mean anything by it and it's like an in-joke with us. But this asshole...well believe me I am wearing the shirt again tomorrow and waiting for this shithead to come in.

Now comes the hard part. I really stopped and thought about all this tonight and realized I am pushing SOOOO much negativity over it that it's unreal. I've been talking to folks about unity of people and peace lately and here I am reading to kick this guy's ass? Seems that seeing people for who and what they are, which is just another person, is harder than I thought. Seems I need to learn that lesson too. (I'm still gonna stand up for myself if he says anything though because damnit...I am someone too!)

And what kinda hurts the most about all of this is that I'm tired of the negativity that runs rampent at the shop sometimes. We all seem to sit around complaining there, and where does that lead you? Well, focusses your mind on what's negative and not what you can do to make a difference or a change ya know? Le sigh...

So, for Brad over at Male Feet and HNT , I've decided to finish this post by saying thusly;

I am so greatful for the wonderful friends and family that love me. I'm greatful for the stupid little pleasures like looking at my tulips outside and watching and waiting for my roses to bloom. I'm greatful for those amazing people that can make me see things in a different light, and encourage me to strive for better. Mostly, right now I'm greatful for my chance to try and make the world better if possible...even if it only means me sometimes.

Be safe. Be well. Be loved!


Rey Rey said...

That's a great shirt, Michael... When this guy comes in tomorrow, you should give him a t-shirt that say, "Hi, I'm a dick and I have an inverted penis."

Will said...

Good morning, Michael. I just found you through your comment on Sandouri Dean's blog.

How wonderfully lucky you are to have relatives who would do something like that for you. As for your little "friend," may I suggest you forget about him. He seems to have a mind that's eaither small or closed--or both--and he's not worth your time, effort or emotion at this point.

I'll bookmark you and be back. All best from Boston.

Sandouri Dean Bey said...

nice post. i love that shirt. and life's too short to waste time on assholes.

Anonymous said...

Oh shit, sounds like I have to make you ANOTHER shirt-- this time with:
"I'm Gay, If you don't like it then take it up with my Fag Hag."

Because seriously girl, next time that happens, I'm crackin' skulls! --That's not true, but isn't it fulfilling to know you're making close-minded people uncomfortable? Just by being your fabulous self?- which may in their mind be so alternative or foreign that they actually find you threatening? That's powerful baby, when you can somehow threaten some idiot without even trying. Flame on.

"I HATE people that hate."

The Persian said...

Jeesh what a little dick that guy was. I love the shirt, straight to the point, well maybe I'll try that on somebody in a chat room and see how it goes LOL


Brad said...

OK, I'll try this one more time! (Something's up with your comment section tonight, Michael.)

Love the shirt! But you're gay? I would have never known! I guess I'll just choose to be your big 'ol homo friend!

Kevin said...

Sometimes it's tone more than content that can make it worse.

When I first read what he said, my thoughts went to his implication that the rest was all inferred (or by the reader, implied) from the first statement. Although tone could easily have turned that comment into a "no shit you're a homo."

Either way ... he's a dork.

But do NOT let him turn you into a bitchy queen. Then he wins -- Stereotypes, 1; Reality, 0 .