Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Day 3?

Well, I have tried to stick to the South Beach diet as much as possible, and let me tell you, that almond scone today looked SOOOOO good, but I didn't. Day 3 and I'm feeling pretty dern good about meself.

Now, I'm not sure if it was on the diet (well ok I cheated) last night to have popcorn at the movies but I never have butter on it. Yeah, "butter"...riiiight. It's some wierd oil that they tend to squirt out of a machine and it usually tastes more like oil to me than butter. But hey, a medium popcorn and then dinner of meatball soup (yeah I know it sounds wierd but it was at a noodle house and I can't have pasta sooo). Not so bad I think. Plus I've actually been eating breakfast kinda. Well, breakfast for me. So what did I see last night? The Omen. I'm afraid my opinion of it isn't the best so I'm gonna skip that.

What wonderous thing has happened over the last couple of weeks is that my rose bush has finally bloomed! I have my first blossom and being the proud poppa I took several pictures. Only a couple turned out really well. Depending on how the sun was hitting it, it tended to look slightly different to me so. Here she first beauty of the season with hopefully many more to come. Ain't she gorgeous? And there's another bud waiting to open any day now. Granted, these were a variety called "Black Roses" which are supposed to be super dark and look almost black until they open but hey....she's my baby anyways.

Just as a side note, so I give credit where it's due, the picture at the top was from Kelly Stern and will be kept somewhere on my blog until the end of the month for Gay Pride month. Thanks again Kelly!

Be safe. Be happy. Be loved!


Miladysa said...

Good luck with the diet! Fingers crossed for you!

What a beautiful rose :) Congratulations!

Kalv1n said...

The roses are lovely. And am I the only one who feels like they are one the rag with low carb?