Monday, June 05, 2006

Day One....and I'm feeling ok

Since I don't ever post pictures for HTN, and I rarely let ya see me full body in a picture...I started my diet today. Doing that South Beach thing. Why? Am I fat you may ask. Well I am to me, or rather I need to lose a good 10 pounds in my book. one and I've stuck to it other than not having lunch today which I never have in the first place. BUT, I also didn't come home and eat Pringles (*sniffle* oh my lovely crispy bits of I will miss you).

And today is me buddy Rey's birthday! WOO HOO! So a majorly Happy Happy Birthday to ya buddy! And y'all that don't read his site, go over and just say Happy Birthday anyways cause he's a pretty swell guy ;)

So other than starting this damn diet (but I have to say I've been eating pretty well for a diet today), not much really going on other than I wanted again to point out the picture that is going to be hanging around my site all month. This was from Kelly (and I'm a bad man because I haven't had a chance to explore his blog much) who had a challenge. Well me, I fell in love with the picture when I first saw it on Brad's site...and now apparently it's making the rounds and I for one am exceptionally pleased by that. I also want to say thank you to Kelly for this quote from him,

Pride is not all about nekkid men and getting crazy,
but what has happened in our history...lets not forget... - Kelly Stern.

Well amen to that Kelly! Course, I will finally be attending (dear god I hope I make it this year) my first gay pride parade up in SF. I say should because I am still committed to one scene for the video I was doing with my friend's band. One last scene for me and I think one last for the band and the shooting part is over! Course, there's the voice over work but hey...big deal. It'll be in the can so to speak. Yeah, this month is a little crazy for me, but in a good way. Got an offer to go see an opera (but had to turn it down), I think this weekend is Pride in San Jose (which I may try to go to), and in two weeks I should be actually meeting some fellow bloggers in SF for their Pride. Oish, I'm tired just thinking about it heheh.

So, hey, steal that picture and post it EVERYWHERE! And when ya do, thank Kelly Stern for it ok? And...well, we'll see what happens next in my crazed life of boredom :)

Be safe. Be happy. Be LOVED!


Brad said...

Yeah, it really is a great picture. I literally jumped at the chance to post it!

john said...

Good luck on your diet!

Ryan said...

im gonna get this pic up also on my blog i also have 1 of the southern rebel flag nest 2 a gay pride flag bet that would go over good! haha

Steve said...

Rey's blog is my next stop. And, WTF?!? A diet? Aren't you built like I am? I know sometimes we aren't really all that pleased with what we consider 'our flaws', so as long as it's a healthy diet, I say go for it!

Kalv1n said...

Ah, the sordid topic of the most ubiquitous gay trend--the diet--has surfaced yet again. Good luck. I'm thinking I'm going to try and eat healthier lately.

Michael The Shadow said...

Ryan: Can't wait to see the other picture!

Brad: Well I'm glad ya did because I wouldn't have known about it otherwise possibly...well with the exception of Rey's posting it a few days later.

John: Thanks :) We'll see how it goes eh?

Steve: Well I am built like ya but I don't exorcise much and the South Beach is actually devised by a Cardiologist for his patients. But hey, it's healthy and makes ya lose some weight! :)

Kalvin: That was part of the reason for me going on the "diet". Granted, i want to lose 8-10 pounds by me birthday as well ;)

Rey Rey said...

Awww, thanks for the birthday wishes AND the presents!!! I love the coffee and the CD (listened to it three times today!). Yer such a sweetheart...

And as I said tonight on the phone... just three more weeks before I'm out there and we're hanging out sans shirts... gut not included.