Thursday, July 06, 2006

Fit and ya know it

Oh dear god babies...I went to hell today (Costco) and it was an eye opener in one sense. Now, some of ya know that I had been doing the South Beach diet thing right? I wanted to shed a few pounds, and after reading the book (it's written by a cardiologist) it made sense as a healthier diet. Well I did the "Phase One" and it did seem to help. Course now I'm all about getting off me ass and doing crunches and exorcising more but I digress...Costco...and fatness.

If you haven't been to one of these places before, it's essentially a warehouse of food. Up and down the aisle there are people standing there with samples of this, pieces of that, you get the idea. It's actually an annoying and depressing place for me to go to because I see all these senior citizens who have maybe six bottles of booze in their cart, and maybe some crackers. I mean really...unless you are entertaining a lot, how much Rum/Whiskey/Vodka/etc do you need? I digress again. So you wander up and down the aisles because they love to move things around on you (just after you've figured out where they're now stocking the tuna fish!), and you're assailed by the walking dead. These people push their carts to the right of them while they are looking over at something to their left! Or, they leave their cart in the middle of the aisle so they can wander over but a bit of that sample of carrot flavoured apple juice. (yes I exaggerated that) Then there are the kids that are constantly getting in your way. I swear I had an easier time trying to get to a bathroom in Disneyland!

So today, my normal day to go for the shop, I had a light load in my cart (god does that sound dirty to anyone but me? I must have a filthy mind today), and wandered to get in the snaking line for the one checker I always go to. I love this lady. She always smiles and we chat and she calls me Mija. Love HER! So around 3 people in front of me was this guy that made me feel so UNfat it's not funny. He was probably as tall as me (6'4ish), but here was where things went wonky. It wasn't that he had a gut. No no no. From his neck down to his belly, it was just a slope. I'm thinkin maybe something like 25-30 Degree slope here, and he definitely had a largish lower section as well.

Now, the only reason I bring this up is that we are all somehow taught that the perfect shape is the Greek Adonis with flat stomach and rippling abs and (in my mind) a taut physique. (Nothing against big muscley types but babies, you get too big in the muscle department you've lost my interest) Oh we're supposed to be tan and brilliant eyed. Our hair should flow flow flow and shine. A picture of perfection.....yeah, right. Fact is that I felt skinny when I looked at this guy and realized that I'm not that out of shape. I could still lose a few pounds, but it's more an exorcise thing I think. But how is it that I see so damn many "large" people here in California? Hell, even in Texas I don't remember seeing this many folks of this size if ya know what I mean. And I start to wonder, if they don't care about it, why should I?

There is nothing wrong with being a "large" person. Nothing wrong with being overweight (not to my mind), but when you see folks that you know could do something about it and don't seem to care, I mean it really makes you wonder. Now I'm gonna do something here that may rile a few folks a bit but here goes anyways and I'm saying this cause I honestly believe it's true.

Kalvin, don't you dare think that you're a "large" person. This man is cute and cuddly. (I know we kinda talked at the party about me being on SB, but baby, you're fine just the way you are!) And I heard that
Jetboy's doc told him to lose weight? From friggin where?! And this goes for you too Rey, and all the rest of the folks I met on Pride weekend (not to mention those folks I chat with via blogs).

Of all the people I know, I honestly can't think of anyone that needs to lose weight. We may want to (and believe me I could be in better shape)...but after what I saw today, I think we're all pretty much AOK. Sure, I like the skinny gothy pale boys. I like a guy that's in shape and tone. But ya know what? IF you are thinking about losing some poundage, make sure you're doing it for you. Only reason I started to try and lose weight was because I wasn't happy with how I saw myself. Now this guy at Costco? Well, he may have been what some folks would say was "fat", but ya know, if he's happy...I guess that's all there is to it. Truth is, he was also buying baby diapers and had a ring on his hand so guess what...regardless of his "bulk", someone loves him a lot. So, just think on that one for a while. Funny how life can kick reality into your brain at times isn't it?

Now where the hell did I put them Pringles?!

Be safe. Be happy. Be PROUD. Be Loved!


OLY said...

I wanna get fit not cause Im fat but because I think I could use a few more pounds.
I look at the programs "the biggest looser" and I want to start one "the biggest winner". Surely there has to be someone out there who can turn my skinny bod into something more shapley :)

Sam said...

I do note at Costco that those who are heavier often have all kinds of naughty food in their cart. Then there is Kalin and me. All heatly stuff because we sneak our fatty food in elsewhere. I hate being fat, but not more than I love ice cream.

Brad said...

Eh, I started my diet for me. I tend to gain weight asyou would say Michael, in "me" belly. Other than that, I could be happy with the way I am.

Maybe I should start hanging out at the Costco, you know, around the fat folks. I'd feel ever so thin!

jetboy747 said...

Er, that evil bitch quack will not get me in a mind set that I'm fat. I'm not. I'll get back to the gym when I'm ready and want to.

*cracks beer* Just not today.

My final post on the issue will bring everything into clarity.

But now, I'm off to Costco. If only to feel fabulously fit.

Adam said...

Jeff, you're not fat.

JR, you're not fat.

JetBoy needs to get a new doctor, clearly.

I love how I have to explain the word "diet" to all the europeans I work with. They come over here and they see the word "diet" and it perplexes them. They don't understand why people here can't control themselves. I find myself explaining suburbia to them and it becomes abundantly clear.

I do this because I sincerely care about the well being of people but if I see larger people with lots of crap in their cart I think about approaching them and telling them that they're slowly killing themselves.

Anonymous said...

Steve's former housemate and his clan would often go rove Costco as a way of "eating out" for free. Distressing!

Steve said...

OMFG! The first thing I thought of when I read this post was my old housemate in Tampa. He has a cousin (also gay) who used to work for USAir. I used to call him the 'chunky stewardess.' My BF Chris liked 'chunky sky waitress.' Anyway, like Chris said, their idea of going out to eat was spending an hour or so at Costco eating all the samples. Have a good weekend, Michael.

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy! GREAT POST! :o)I totally agree with you, especially with what u say about how we're taught what the perfect shape should be, as if we should all be lookin like that. Love is blind I say. "I had a light load in my cart" I LOVE THAT! Take Care My Friend! :o)

Rey Rey said...

Great, now I can't get The Streets "Fit and You Know It" ("I reckon you about an 8 or a 9... maybe 9 and 1/2 in four beers time...")...

And pookie, I am fat... I'm tubby... I'm a pile of lard. I just hide it well.