Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Maybe it's the weather... hmmmmmm

Grey skies are gonna clear up....put on a caught me singing to myself again (and if I knew how to do it I would have posted it). Yup, I sing to myself. I do it in the car singing along with Cds, at home singing along to music here, in the shower, where ever. Singing is an emotional release sometimes. You can sing the blues, the torch songs, sing out righteous anger, or just him a little ditty cause you're feeling pretty ok.

So I don't know if it was cause I threatened to kick the collective asses of any negativity or what, but today was pretty ok all around. I finally feel more like myself and not all moody. It was slower than than grandpa trying to get an erection at work today. I mean DEAD! First time in years I walked out after work wondering if I had actually helped anyone. Wierdsville babies...wierdsville. And the day kept sort of getting better.

I got home to an email that made me realize what a putz I had been lately, and will have a lovely dinner with the fam on Saturday afternoon. Fuck presents, I just want to hang with my family.

Then as I went out to buy D's birthday cake (a little one for about 4 folks but it's gonna rock I tell ya!), I went to the shop to take care of my orders. There he was. Who was he? Hell if I know but there was a gorgeous face attached to an "Itchy and Scratchy" T-shirt underneath it. I asked him where it came from and he said that a friend had sent it to him thinking it was his. He looked at my Java Boy's T-shirt (for those in Florida maybe ya knows the place) and said, "I'd trade ya mine for yours." Well hell's bells kittens, I would have paid good money to just have him take his off right there! (and give me his phone number) But I joked and said that he probably wouldn't want it right now cause where I had been had been hot. He said, "No doubt" with a smile. Then, as I looked out our big windows, I saw him turn and look back inside. Was he looking at me? Who knows but I took that moment nonetheless. Now let's hope that he comes in again.

And the hits kept coming. Going over to pay H the money for the car I'm buying off her, I had a nice little visit with her. I realized I don't get to hang out with just her very often. Usually it's D and H ya know? Well babies...that woman is ready to pop let me tell you. They're going tomorrow to do the check up thing and hopefully we'll know better when she's gonna birthdicate.

So I drop by my local burrito joint and it's packed. I thought, "Aw shit..." but there was a couple of new employees there and one with a great smile and nice sleeve work on his arms. Yup...tats. I love em. Even still considering one on me but I digress. The guy that helps me looks at me and says, "Hey! Now you're in MY shop!" and after I get home I realize that it's the hot hot HOT guy that I lust after every morning! He's usually really quiet, and I always smile cause...well he's a hottie man. Blow my mind completely but he gave me the burrito for free! Talk about what the power of kindness to strangers can do huh? And babies, you better believe he's getting mondospectacular service tomorrow (and free coffee damn it!)!

With all this swirling around my little pea brain, it just goes to show that bad stuff happens, depressions come, but every now and then the Universe kicks it up a notch for ya in a good way. And tomorrow? Who the hell knows, but for now I got a tasty dinner cooling off slightly, good movies to watch, family and friends that I adore and who care about me as well...and even that old devil on Saturday doesn't seem to full of gloom.

Y'all all better belive that there's a ton of love bein sent out to each and every one of you tonight. Hugs are included free of charge. And maybe even a little kiss to go along with em if ya want it. (the cigs are mine though but if you ask nicely I'm sure I'll share...Jetboy heheh)

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD! Be Loved!!


Anonymous said...

You're INCREDIBLE!!!!! :o) I'm so glad you're feeling better! :o) I would LOVE the see these beautiful guys you've been seeing! I love the picture you have posted, VERY CUTE! :o) Now lets talk business, I'll sell to you for $20.00 I say 20 because the wolf is a companion piece, Red Riding Hood goes with him, 10.00 each! :oD I'm SERIOUS!!!! :o) Take care buddy! You're the BEST!

Brad said...

It does my heart (and psyche) some good to see you bubbly.

Love ya, Michael.

Kevin said...

Good for you!!!

Don't you love it when hot guys flirt back?

Bloooog said...

Lucky bum, I need to start flirting more haha