Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Weeeeeeenesssssday AaaaafterNooooon

I'm currently thinking of calling off the rest of the month and just jumping into August. Now, I'm not sure if I can actually do this, but damn y'all....lately I can't sleep well, I'm having wierd dreams again...and I could just get the hell through the rest of July in one fell swoop and breath easier.

In reading folks blogs lately, there's a lot of .. well I don't know what to call it other than it seems like there is some bad juju just generally floating around. Maybe it's these "lazy" (yeah right) days of summer? I don't know. I'm feelin all shagged out lately but I know after this week things will ease up a bit. Maybe then I can finally get around to doing those rituals I planned on. Hey, sending out good vibes and trying to work magik when you're tired just doesn't cut the mustard let me tell you! In short, I wish that my arms were big enough to wrap around the world lately and just squeeze everyone a little bit, myself included.

The birth of the little peanut (as I heard him referred to by D&H at some point) is getting closer. They're basically on baby watch hehe. It's amazing to me to think that in this short amount of time I have known them I have seen them both grow exponetially. I know that they're going to be amazing parents, and I get to dote and be an Uncle of sorts. Pretty exciting to me but I also know that I'll be seeing less of them for a while. Hell, I only live a few blocks away so you better believe that I'll be calling them to see if I can drop by and play with the little bugger.

So what's new in my life? Well...plans, and schemes, and dreams, but little of them getting accomplished yet. I'm just biding my time to get to a bit of time off. (there are a lot of folks that are taking time off the end of this month at work) I have this dream of taking say three days off and on the second day of not knowing what to do with myself, actually doing some writing I have put off. I tend to write in spurts, usually when my brain will allow, so it's slow going. And there is the wreck that is my studio that still needs a massive re-organization. Actually Spence asked why I don't do it on the weekends. Well hell's bells man! During the week I am at the shop usually twice a day and then find myself with a little free time at night. Weekends therefore become time for just chillin out.

Oh but I ramble. And I should know better than to try and blog after I get off work because I'm tired and I'm sure it's going to come out all goofy but...hey, that's my life to some degree. Now if I could just get a handle on this time issue and work it better. The calls I plan to make I suddenly find myself looking at a clock and realizing that it's waaaay too late to call folks. I guess I just need to get off my ass and push myself again, or more, or something hehe.

Ah hell...this afternoon though? I ain't going to push much of anything other than the play button on my dvd remote because ya know what? This little baby is tuckered. So....

Hm. Where did I put that copy of Latter Days? :)

Be safe. Be well. Be PROUD. Be Loved!


jetboy747 said...

I hope by 'all shagged out' you mean 'all sexed out', using the English def of shagging.

Rest and recharge. I'm not sleeping well either.

DanNation said...

Definitely take some time off to sounds like the PURR-fECT vacation.

Michael The Shadow said...

Oh Jeff...I like your mental groove baby! Dig it!!

Kelly, I wish i was truly shagged out! Unfortunately I have to use it to mean tired...le sigh.

Dan, trust me I am going to get around to writing eventually. Now whether it's good or not remains to be seen heh. (plus I haven't had the chance yet but I'll get around to making a donation before Saturday)

Kalv1n said...

I agree, there does seem to be some ominous trends around. Hopefully we can manage to have that end very soon here, as I am rather tired of it.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Same here, it's been weird & I've noticed the bad juju as well. :o/Hopefully it will pass SOON! I love your new profile mage, VERY COOL! :o)

Justin said...

Sorry you're not sleeping well darlin. And, I know what you mean about the bad juju in the air. That's what white candles and grigris bags are for!

Relax and enjoy the rest of your day. I know I will. Work tomorrow.