Your Brain's Pattern |
![]() You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy. You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts. People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused. But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination. |
Well it's the half way mark childrens. Yup, this weekend the year will be over. How the hell did happen? Where the hell did the year go, and has it really been over six months since I started writing this (and people actually still come back to hear me rant and rave and vent! Amazing!) little project? It still boggles my mind sometimes to think that a scant 6 years ago I was out at a rave for New Years (and yes I was having the time of my life). Me and him were there before everything went a bit sour. Skipping ahead to last year...I don't even remember it. I think I was sitting around here playing video games hehe. Wierd how life progresses.
I do think about the past a lot actually. Rather I look at how I got here, and sometimes (well most of the time) scratch that big ol' head of mine and wonder. There are so many little things that happen to us that make such a big difference in our lives ya know? For instance:
IF I hadn't met Larry, I wouldn't have started blogging.
IF I hadn't started blogging, I wouldn't have met my little brother Ryan who called me out of the blue tonight and put a big ol' grin on my face because of it.
IF I hadn't kept going with the blog I wouldn't have met so many great people who I now consider my friends.
Ya see? One little incident from what sometimes seems like yesterday although it was a long time ago has made my life better. And like I said, I sit here scratchin my head because I don't know what the alternative would have been. I'm not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth though! Guess there are just time when all you can do is be happy in your reflections of what has come your way. I do wonder what my life would have been like if I had a boyfriend...if I had more money...if I had a better job...but ya know what? Maybe that's what next year will be bringin and I'll eventually sit around scratchin my head wondering how I got there! Now, the trick is to make this happen through out all of next year that some minor thing will cause the major happiness to grow (for all of us).
And that brain pattern up there? Yup, I am a dreamer. Me and John Lennon. I didn't have much to write about tonight actually, mostly wanted to just say how happy I was because I got that surprise call tonight. All in all, this has shaped up to be a pretty good year. I know I have bigger dreams to dream next year, ones to try and make come true. Maybe that's what being a dreamer is really all about...finding those wierd ways that no one else would have ever imagined to get you where you want to be. Maybe I'll see the answers in a dream tonight. Who knows? :)
I had the same pattern. Go figure. See - great minds DO think alike! :_
Great post!
I love your new photograph! My what blue eyes you have :)
Oh I agree with Miladysa, what an amazing picture. You are so handsome!
I am sending my New Year wishes early just in case I do not have a chance tomorrow.
I wish you a especially Happy New Year Michael. I feel 2006 will be a special year for you :)
Love SA x
Happy New Year Michael!!
The new year brings a fresh, new start... at least that's how I look at it. Here's wishing you all the best in 2006, Michael!
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