Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I have a little soapbox

Well now my it is a little late again but I just got back from dinner and a movie with my friend D. We went and saw Harry Potter (my second time, his first). I really do like the movie but damn is this series getting darker or what?! Now I can't wait to finish book 4 so I can move on to book 5. I swear they're like potato chips....just try stopping at one.

Today is December 7th, the day that will live in infamy. Well, truthfully until someone told me what the date was today I was clueless. How does this happen? Media black out. I hardly ever look at the local paper that gets toss at the shop's door because it's nothing more than a fish wrapper. I don't watch the news on Tv because they never seem to actually tell me anything. So, I tend to go blythly along my merry little way know what day of the week it is and only sometimes knowing what the actual date it. (I don't forget the 1st because of rent and the 15th because that's pay day)

I just deleted a bunch of drivel that y'all didn't need to read but here's the gist of it:

I do support our troups wherever they may be because they are willing to lay down their lives and be in immidiate danger for us.

I do NOT support the current government however. I don't trust any of them up in Washington right now Democrat or Republican.

A bunch of people died at Pearl Harbor and they didn't need to. An old aquaintence of mine's father was there. Luckily he wasn't killed during the attack. What I think about it all is that I hope that we can stop killing each other. I want our men and women back home and safe. I want a world without wars. I don't want anyone to die senselessly anymore because someone wanted oil, or land, or thinks their god is better than the other guy's god. Maybe it's just me and John Lennon that believe in peace. I don't know. Yeah, there is a time when push comes to shove and you have to take a swing back....but, maybe if we could all just stop pushing and shoving for a little while and see what happens?


The Persian said...

My grandfather, an old Navy Vet was at Pearl Harbor. He was coming home and in flight on December 7th. How lucky was HE! I recently heaved his wooden trunk (which he said he had while stationed at PH) into the dumpster (you can read about on my blog). I hated the miserable son-of-a-bitch!! lol well back to the topic at hand.

I loved HP4...but see I don't think it was really much darker than the rest. I've heard people say that but I don't see it.


Miladysa said...


HP4 is my favourite! Narnia this weekend!!! :)

Steve said...

We had a guy on the air yesterday morning that was there for Pearl Harbor. He's in his 80's now and is still as sharp as a tack. He had some great stories to tell.

Anonymous said...

I never was much in to Harry Potter myself. I forgot about Pearl Harbor until Ryan reminded me yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. Given our elected government and escalating social upheaval, I'm thankful that war is as unpleasant as it is -- otherwise, I suspect we Americans might grow too fond of it.