Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Another day, another song

I got a song stuck in my head and I think it's time I put up the Itunes so I can hear it just so it goes away so I can sleep. Anyone else ever have that problem? It just gets into your soul and wraps itself around your little cerebrial cortex and there's no escape. Tonight it's The The - Love is Stronger than Death. Song means a lot to me. For some reason this one song has gotten me through some of the roughest times I've seen. Probably because of the lyrics to it. I'm sure they're out there on the web somewhere and I don't feel particularly like searching for them right now.

I finally got the ring I ordered almost a month ago. It's pewter and is...slightly too big for my index finger where it's supposed to reside. So, now I have to try and get it resized. Scared to find out what that my cost me. It is pretty though. It's a sliver (ok, pewter) wolf's head. He's snarling and it makes this little Lycanthrope (new vocabulary word for y'all) very happy. Some gothy folks are all about the Vampirical, I'm about the Lycanthropes. Guess I never did figure out how to fit in properly eh?

So I had every good intention of working on my show today. I was going to do it after I got home from getting dinner but I stupidly put a movie in. Well, here it is 10:30 and I have nothing to show for it. I absolutely have to get it finished at least in the writing by tomorrow. What's worse is that tomorrow is my friend Sue's birthday and I don't have so much as a card for her. I feel like a shit about that. These are people that are so kind to me and remembered my birthday complete with a present. I hope that she'll accept that I'll have to drop off whatever I find for her tomorrow late in the afternoon. And it's Thursday! How did that happen? Time is not moving linear anymore for me it seems.

I have one week to accomplish a ton of stuff for this class and then it's over. I'm still realing to some degree. It seems I just started the damn thing but I guess it's been over a month. I do have a 5 page play and soon a 10 page play to show for it plus a lot of beginnings for others. I have no idea if I'll keep up with it though. It's really difficult for me to be creative right now. Think I need a booster of creativity but I don't know where to find it.

I know that I'm just tired from the week and from not eating right, but tonight I'm feeling that lonliness creep up on me again. Feeling like I could be the island that no man is supposed to be. I thinkI just need more sleep. Doesn't help that Ben came in today again. I swear it's a nasty joke being played on me by the Universe. Don't see him, then write about that and there he turns up. I guess I'm just jealous. Funny that. Jealous of someone I don't even know. Silly really if you ask me but I've never been one to be all that practical when it comes to this sort of thing.

I'm sorry this all seems to be downer messages lately. I'm sorry that I feel this way lately at night. Sorry for a lot of things lately in my life, but it has it's perks I suppose. I do keep trying to find that bright ray through the gloom and usually I can find it if I look hard enough. Sides, I got folks what love me. So...there ya go. And here I go cause I have to get a shave tonight. Friggin starting to look like a street bum.

Peace out there where ever you are. Wrap yer arms around yourselves and pretend it's from me.

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