Work Nice today actually because it wasn't that busy, but busy enough that I didn't get all bored and tired (yes it can happen that you get tired at a coffee shop). Tomorrow is Thursday though. Isn't that just odd? I mean it should be Wendesday or something like that. But, there you is just wierd sometimes. And on the topic of work and people Ben.
I have a bad habit of getting these crushes on people. I mean really bad crushes where I go all fantasyland on myself and see us setting up house. Well, the reality is that I don't think anything is going to be happening here. Another silly schoolboy crush is all. They're the worst though because, since there's no substance to them (like a ghost) it's hard to get through them. It would be a lot easier if you knew it was doomed, or they weren't interested, or thought you looked like Quasimodo. But with a crush? Sometimes it's a secret thing ya know. Touch to get over but I'm starting on my way to. I'm a silly boy sometimes. Tend to go off into the dreamland, but eventually I wind myself back here to reality.
If I were going to be really honest here, I'd talk about being alone more often than I should. Even if I did go out a lot this weekend, I realize that the majority of my time away from work I spend alone. I'm either here on the computer, or watching a movie, or playing games. Now here's the kicker....I am used to it and I don't know what I would do if it were different. What would happen if I had a boyfriend? I mean really? I know that I want one. I want that companion to swim around life with, someone to be there for me, and someone for me to take care of when need be. But, being alone, you realize that you really can be self-sufficient. You can't put your arms around yourself at night, but you can have your teddy bears there (and no laughin dammit!). And of course it gives you lots of time to think, and dream. I think maybe that's lacking in some people's lives.
There's a blog that I read for someone I don't have on my list there. I read his recently and realized that maybe I'm not so bad off the way I am. He's constantly on the go it seems. Drinks with friends, planning his birthday party, going out to clubs, etc. AND, he has a boyfriend. But that go go go? When do you finally just run yourself down? And it sounds more and more to me that he's very into what's "in". Well if that's the way you live when you're with the "in" crowd. I'm not so sure I want to be there. Granted, these blogs are nothing more than tiny snapshots into any person's life. I have no idea what the big picture looks like for him, but I do respect him and think his life sound exciting..if not tiring. Hell, at least he's got the boyfriend thing going ya know? (I hear that requires one actually going out and meeting folks but I have heard those rumors before)
So....a little work here for the shop. Got a new cake in today. Really tasty thing called a Cherry Crumble Pie. Had a taste of it and it's not as nastily sweet as most "cherry pies". No! This thing is maybe an 1.5" thick with a crumbly top on it and has delicious tart cherries inside. It's actually mostly the filling. Well, I liked it. Now I just have to make a sign so folks know we have it. (my thought is that if they read about it, they will eat) So after I finish that...I think I will play a game. Been a while and I finished Batman so I'm on to Psychonauts. We'll see though. I still have to clean the studio by Monday. May just eat and watch a vid, and check my mail cause I'm anal that way.
Huh-huh I said....anal. Huh-huh I just saw this on a friend's LJ and had to steal it cause I thought it was cool and I got one of my favourite races! and the Irish/Scots...
People may think of the Celts as being mystical,
but they also kicked butt. Perhaps it is that
you prefer roving chiefdoms over a rigid
empire, or maybe you just enjoy the fancy knot
What is your ancient civilization?
brought to you by Quizilla
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