Saturday, July 02, 2005

Working Class Superhero

I feel like doing a little dance. My homework for this week is done, I have at least two good ideas for plays (next assignment is a 3 page and a 5 page play), and I have nothing more to do tomorrow than go to a friend's housewarming party. Life is pretty dern good. Now if I could just get someone else to come over and clean my studio, I'd be a happy camper.

Ya ever noticed that you start with such grand intentions such as, "I'm going to get organized" and it all just comes down to "Hm...I should really clean up" eventually? Well, that's me. I live in organized chaos. I don't always know exactly where the cd I want to play is, but I have a good idea of what pile of cds it's in. Same for dvds. The funny thing that I've really tried to get organized. I mean, really, I have. Just always seems that eventually I wind up being lazy again and it all goes to hell. The only thing that seems to stay regulated are my books because they just sit there on the shelves. Mostly their collections that I've already read. My graphic novels on the other hand, are getting out of hand.

I like comic books. I like superheros. I really dig most Marvel heros because they seem like they were normal shmoes that had something happen to them and *Bamph* they're suddenly superheros trying to figure out their lives. Well hell's bells, isn't that most of us? They just have a few added problems to deal with (like supervillians). The only person that I think really celibrated the common man was John Lennon. Working Class Hero is what I want to be. Right on John. Seems that too often we're hooked into the "get the money and move up". Well while you're moving up, there's gotta be someone there to serve you that latte you're paying $2.50 for. Luckily for me, most of my regulars at the shop are more like friends. There's only a couple of times I feel that certain people look down on me, or treat me like a servant or lesser than.

I guess we'd all like to be extraordinary to some extent. Maybe that's why we dig on superheros. Who wouldn't want to Bamph like Kurt, crawl up walls like Peter, have a ring that creates whatever you think of like Kyle? Truth is that, for the most part, we're all just milling about like zombie lookin for the next meal. Ok, so I recently saw Land of the Dead and Zombies are on my mind a little. Good film, nice commentary on society. My point though is that perhaps we really are all extraordinary to some extent. To some people, my acting ability is beyond what they think they can do. For me, people that can program computers is beyond my skills. We're all someone else's superhero, just with rather limitted powers.

4th of July coming up on Monday and I will be sleeping, eating, sleeping again possibly, playing videogames, cleaning the studio, sleeping (do you see the trend?) and trying really hard not to think about the 5th when it's back to work. After working almost 12 days straight, this holiday couldn't come fast enough. And watching Live8? Hell, I don't even have cable. In one sense, who cares? I spent the day writing, then hanging out with James and talking for a couple of hours. Better than sitting infront of the tube all day. On the other hand, I do hope that it raises the conciousness that it needs to in reguards to Africa and other countries that are in need of help.

Maybe tomorrow I'll actually write about the history of me. Either that or I'll come up with some wacky Q&A type thing. Gotta keep y'all guessing. Ya never know what a superhero will do you?

*B A M P H F*

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