Sunday, November 27, 2005

Oh joy....

Ya know what the problem is with the hollidays? It's having time off. Ok, so it's nice to have found myself not having to go to work last Thursday, but's Sunday night and I want one more day, or two, or five. I'm just so not into the idea of work lately and that's bothersome because it makes getting up a little more difficult. Makes going to be at a "decent hour" harder too. Why? Because I find that there are things I want to be doing instead of standing behind the espresso machine for 6 hours and then heading to Costco for the shop. I need a break in the routine.

I did just get back from dinner with Doll and James. Called me slightly out of the blue and whoops, there it was. It was really nice just sitting and bullshitting. See, that's what I'm talking bout. That doesn't happen nearly enough for me and it's what keeps me sane. Otherwise I tend to eat here at home and watch a movie, or play videogames, or sit around on the computer. I crave conversation! Well, that and a good meal hehe. (and while we are at it, I'll throw in the concept of a boyfriend as well for good measure)

So it's almost December and who'd have thunk it would be here so fast? Year is almost gone and I am not anywhere near where I want to be again. Hm...could it be do to the fact that I'm lazy? Or maybe a dreamer? Yeah....there's always procrastination to take into account as well. BUT, I do plan on doing, at the very least, the Christmas Card thing. Just have to print them up. I have a picture I really liked from my trip last year to Disneyland that I wanted to use. Sigh....D'land. I know that Doll and James are going to be going back in December but I don't think I'm going to have the money this year. *sniffle*

*sigh* I want to play some more of God Of War but it's almost 11 for me and the alarm will go off at 5ish.

Oh hell...maybe 10 minutes of a movie won't kill me. Just something to get me a little more sleepy so I can get up early. The one good part? Ben had gone to see his family so I haven't seen him for a while. I'm hoping that he's back tomorrow morning. I may be an idiot, but he makes me smile. Ya gotta have something to look forward to don't ya? I'm still trying to find the right way to ask him to go and have dinner with me....or even coffe. Just kinda awkward to ask someone while you're working if they'll go and eat with you. And how do you make it sound not like a date but just the truth, I want to sit and talk to him ya know? Want to get to know him a little better. Guess it's going to sound like a date reguardless of what I do. Would I date him? You bet your bippy I would. Would he date me? I sincerely doubt it. Oddly enough though....I'm kinda ok with that for once.


Milla said...

I think it is a good thing that you are gay and I am straight..and that we don't live next doors..And of course dating.. You know why? Then we would be glued to the TV-screen or the PC-screen for ever and ever..!! LOL.. I am just like you, spend way too much time infront the "toys". What do say about us giving eachother a new years promise that we both must be more outgoing..somehow ;-)

Take care sweet peachpie of mine :)

Rey Rey said...

hey boopie... you should just say to Ben, "Dude, let's grab a bite" - in those words. Say it like that, and it comes across much more platonic and much more social (and much more guy-like). If you say, "Do you wanna have dinner", it sounds like a date... but if you throw in some colloquialisms and slang, it lessens the impact and makes it sound much more chill.

And who knows, maybe he's thinking the same thing about you. Stranger things have happened, my friend. And sometimes, relationships grow slowly out of friendships... One day you both might realize, "Hey, we work well together"... or you might realize that he's soooo not your type.

Let me know what happens!!!
