Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Is it Friday yet? Am I awake?

Holy crap I could sleep for an entire week I think. Anyone else feeling all ragged after Christmas? Well I am. Monday was pretty rough seeing as I woke up exhausted (rather I felt like it after 5 cups and it wasn't working). Today I was ok I guess.

Ya ever feel like you're putting all your energy in the wrong place? I was thinking again tonight (yeah I know....bad idea hehe) and realized that in July...well it'll be my birthday that month and that means I got 6 months to turn my life around and make it what I want it to be. Now don't get me wrong, I ain't saying my life is down in the sewer, but it could be soooo much more. I know that, but I's got a case of the "I'm a lazy ol' bastard" blues. Keep wrackin my brain as to what I could be doing in terms of a job that would pay me better, better hours, paid vacations and benefits blah blah blah. Well babies, i'm at wits end to tell ya the truth. I was trained for theatre and now I find myself working as a manager and with the public. So where does that put me? I don't have a clue.

And another thing, I need to get out more dammit. I swear if I don't find a way to break out of this somewhat self imposed shell I live in, I'm gonna be that old man with 10,000 cats (which isn't such a bad thing). I was talkin with Rey (he with the way too cute new puppy) tonight and realized I have absolutely no plans for New Years Eve. D&H will probably be celibrating her birthday which is the 31st, Desi and Didi have to work, and J doesn't exactly "go out" anymore so....what's a single guy to do? A club? Ya know how intimidating it is to go in by yourself? I may be verbose when I get to know folks, or when I'm in my element but in that situation....well let's just say that my name of Shadow fits all too well at that point. I blend in real well to the background and try and have a good time but it's always more fun going out with friends.

God, I paint a bleak picture hehe. Still, ya know somethin's gotta give eventually right? right? (he asks looking hopefully doubtful) Ah well, we'll see. At least I'll have a little dosh to take with me next weekend to see Lestat. You better believe I'm comin back with chochsky! T-shirts, posters, soundtract (if available), key rings, hats...you name it. I've never been to see a world premier of a show before so this is one of the big ones on my Best of Broadway line up!

Someone remind me and I'll sit down and tell you all bout what happens when you make toffee...and why you need a chisel! For now, I gotta go and get some sleep. Half way day tomorrow...almost the weekend again when I can sleep until there is not sleep left to be slupt...er..sleeped...er..slepted upon. :)

Hope everyone has slightly recovered from the Christmas tide, and for my friends that are celibrating it, happy Second Night! (or third because I may be off by a day) Shalom everyone.

Hey....shout out to a sexy, sweet and most wonderous guy named Ryan who sometimes needs to be reminded that he brings a lot of happiness into folks lives. I love ya little brother.


Milla said...

Good Morning sweet Michael! Have I missed you this christmas or what?? :)

I know what you can do on New years eve.. Jump on your bike and come here, I am just like you.. No plans at all.. and it is the same every year. I guess I am a brutal party animal..NOT..hehe..

By the way.. thank you for giving my phone number to Johnny Depp the other day, we had a lovely chat last night ;-)

And thank you once more for the wonderful card you sent me. I will tell you something about that: I did get a gift card for a day at a Spa. That one was very expensive you know.. But later on a friend asked me what I did get for christmas that ment the most to me. And without thinking I grabed on to your card and said:This one of course! Then she looked at me and asked me if I was stupid since the Spa gift was next to it and was worth 150$.. Then I just smiled and said to her that you can never measure a friend with money :)

So.. thank you M for reminding me about how important friends really are.

Big hugs to you!

Steve said...

I'm also kinda glad all the holiday hoopla is over with too. However, it was fun. You should go out to a club or something on NYE... you never know, you may have a blast and even better, meet somebody. Waaaay back in the day, I was one of the original club kids, but kinda grew outta that. I just started to go out again--every now and then, but thinking I was too old for that, but ya know what? I'm having a good time! You will, too!

The Persian said...

yup I am feelin' really really ragged this holiday. Its a mixture of Stress,jet lag, and working nasty shifts. Hey don't feel bad about being out of your field, I was a history major in college and I am now working in hellish IT.


Happy New Year in any case buddy!


Ryan said...

sorry i missed your call last night. thanx 4 trying 2 cheer me up.