Monday, October 03, 2005


And it came to pass that whatever diety I happend to piss off smote me today with great vengence.

As you know, I open the coffee shop I work for at 6:30 am. By 7am there is supposed to be second person there to help. Supposed to. By 7:30 (having had time to glance up at the clock finally), I figured that he would be there soon. By 8am I get pissed enough to call him. No answer, just voicemail and my message of "Well just wondering when you were going to show up today." By 9am a different co-worker comes in for some coffee before he goes to the gym and helps me out a bit, calls the person who was supposed to be reply, leaves a message. By a little past 10am, three hours later (and if I had hair it would be disshevled and I am sure I looked quite frenetic) he arrives. He had misread our schedual and didn't think he had to work today (which means he read next weeks schedual). My big question is who did I piss off today?

Now, the only good thing about running around like someone has turned the area behind the bar into a fire pit is this, I didn't have time to think. I am a machine sometimes. Really, I mean it. I am a robot. I am a superman. I have eight arms and know each and every customer's drink and have it ready for them within seconds. (ok...well I do know just about everyone's drink because of how long I have been doing this now) It jostled my brain immensly and that was a very good thing.

Apparently I am no good when left to my own devices. Especially when I get into a thinking mode which sinks me further down usually. Maybe I should just realize that as much as I look forward to and enjoy doing "nothing", it's not the best thing for me anymore. Too much time to think is a bad thing.


Steve said...

Ouch. Not a good way to start the new work week. My bosses were still outta town today, but I imagine chaos will rain down, as usual, tomorrow. I hope your day got better. :-)

Daisy said...

Hope your day got better Michael.....Mondays always seem to suck anyway lol

My Tuesday was just as bad as my Monday though--guess that makes me 2 for Have an awesome week :)

Ryan said...

looks like your week is starting out like mine shitty. it will get better im sure of that.

Michael The Shadow said...

Oh just wait....heh....the week is still young.