Sunday, September 25, 2005


Well...what fun am I instore for the next couple of weeks? I had forgotten that my boss is going out of town. Now most people are happy about things like this. Means that they can slack a little bit. Riiiiiiiiiiight. Means that I'm going to possibly become a major bitch. Basically, I run things from the time we open til around 1pm and my friend Aaron takes the nights. Wouldn't be so bad but everything that gets down in a business is done when? You got it ... during the day. So, on top of having to be on top of everything I already do, I'm going to have to think about the banking...making sure that I've made a drawer for the next day...making sure I have cash for paid outs. Oh it's going to be fun. SO much fun that I already have a picture of what I'll look like.

Before :
(Please note that due to technical difficulties the smiling faced picture you were to see here is apparently floating somwhere in limbo because either blogger hates me or my computer does. Thank you. We now return you to your regularly schedualed post already in progress)

Well....I guess the concept of pictures is out right now. (sigh) Let's just say that I'm not looking forward to being this much in charge. (and knowing that my boss is in friggin Ireland when he's not here! GRRR!) *please note the irony of being green with envy over not going myself to Ireland* (it's a know a funny....oh never mind)

And ya know what...I am so ready to take a vaction that i could taste it in my Carl's Jr. burger tonight. I mean hell, everyone that I seem to meet lately that I get along with is living on the other side of the damn country from me. :\ I just HAD to want to be an actor and move to California (grumble). I actually was told that my boss wanted to send me to Costa Rica for a week to see the estate that we buy from there. Ya know what though? I'd rather go to the East side of the US and meet you folks cause at least I'd have more fun!

I'm not saying that Costa Rica wouldn't be fun but I want to be around friends, and in a country where I understand the language. I'm sure that I would love Costa Rica if I give it a chance's just not where I want to take a vacation and I'm not being paid for my time off so...that would wind up being my vacation ya know? Kinda like how my mother keeps telling me that she'd spring for the ticket to fly out to Texas for Christmas. Guess what...that would be my Christmas present from her. Nice idea, don't want to be around my family in the first place thank you very much. Why can't these people just give me the dosh, let me book my flights and then just go where I want? Always strings attatched to everything it seems.

And I don't want to go in to work and see the same faces anymore. I think I should start looking for some other job but I don't really know what I could do. I was trained in friggin theatre. Course, I could always get a job building stuff because that was part of what i was doing at the theatre. I'm sure the other workmen wouldn't mind if I showed up with my feather boa ya know? Add a little color and life to the job! Then find myself a nice hospital room to stay in afte they beat the living hell out of me. Riiiiight.

My god, it's only Sunday and I'm already bitchy.


Ryan said...

just want 2 thank u 4 being a true friend!

Michael The Shadow said...

Thanks Ryan. Ya know I got nuthin but love for ya. Nice to know that someone can make me smile when I don't particularly feel like doin it.