Sunday, August 28, 2005

For Him, Most Every Day

Sometimes I find myself looking at the rim of your glasses.
My eyes will be pulled in,
trying not to stare,
finding myself gazing at your eyes.
Those crystalline eyes.
Your nonchalant demeanor.
Your face,
slightly unshaven,
smiling at little jokes.
Would you want to know,
if I dared to tell you,
what was on my mind?
Would it matter that I wanted nothing,
just my arms wrapped around you?
But I’m relegated to
small talk,
and the memory of you walking in,
and out,
of my doors.


Ryan said...

I like!

Michael The Shadow said...

Thanks amigo. Don't even know why I posted it. Five guess which of my customers it was about and the first five don't count :)

Mr Man said...

I like that...did you write it yourself? that might be a stupid question but it's Sunday and I'm working with the one brain cell still funtioning. :-)

Michael The Shadow said...

Yup....lil' ol' me done wrote it :) Thanks for the comment by the way. I dig your site Matt.

Miladysa said...

This is a really lovely poem :)

AvR said...

A very good work....I especially like the "staring at the rim of your glasses, trying not to be pulled in". Lovely.