Saturday, August 13, 2005

I got a pet!

Thanks to a friend on Myspace, I now have a pet! Well, Alfons is a virtual pet but who hasn't ever wanted to own their very own Penguin? He's a cuty. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page to say Hi to him.

I'll probably update later tonight when I get home from Wicked. Say, while you are all reading this, might I suggest reading some folks I give mad props to! How about dropping by Toronto and reading up on Craig, or checking in on my buddy in the land of hotness in Texas Ger, check up on Ryan who's on the mend, and of course there's the unstoppable Larry who actually inspired me to start this little endevour. While I'm shouting out to folks, hey there Adam, and Mike. 'S all about the love folks. I love reading you guy's sites and I know that from time to time you read this one. So.....check each other out. Oish why did that suddenly sound so dirty? These are good folks

Since it's a lovely Saturday, I'm gonna go and play video games until I have to get cleaned up for the trip up to the city and WICKED!


Anonymous said...

Stoppin by 2 say hi.Thanx for the shout out.Ryan say hi 2.

Michael The Shadow said...

Hey there Mike, hope that things are ok for ya. sorry but I have a Jewish Mother that lives inside of me and she worries a lot.

Hey there Ryan, glad to hear that your doing better!

Ryan said...

yes I say hi 2!

Michael The Shadow said...

Hey there Ryan. Hope that the typing, eating, and everything;) is getting easier. Thanks for stoppin by.