Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I was going to delete the previous post. Only I have problem deleting something once anyone comments on it. (Merci mon ami. Il a signifié beaucoup.)

I was watching tv (yeah wonders never cease but it was a new horror show on the WB called Supernatural and I'm a sucker for that stuff), and I started thinking. Why am I doing this? What the hell do I have to say to the world, or, in a slightly rude sense to anyone that reads this?

I'm not sure why I started this little endevour. I guess I thought it would be a place for my thoughts and ... well I never thought anyone would be reading it to tell the truth. Now, I'm finding myself guarding what I write. I'm wondering if what I would say would freak people, or make them worry and that's not what I want people to do. I guess I'm wondering how to reveal my inner workings, and still keep enough back so I don't sound like I'm fishing for sympathy.

People change from moment to moment. One moment you're angry about something, and twenty minutes later you are laughing it up with friends. We're all too damn complex. Just having difficulty deciding how much of "me" I feel comfortable showing people. I know I talk alot about the masks we all wear (and I have a bunch of them), but how do you show your real face and still make sure that folks know you're ok?

And the mental rambling continues. Now if I'm lucky, after a long hot shower I'll be tired enough to sleep.

1 comment:

Steve said...

>>"but how do you show your real face and still make sure that folks know you're ok?"

That's a good question... so good, I even thought about it when I walked out to get the mail, and now that I'm back, I'm still not sure of an answer that would suit everybody. When dealing with someone in person, you'd almost instantly know how comfortable you are with that person, and whether or not to lay it all on the line. In the Blog-O-Sphere, it's a little tougher.